What Every American Needs To Know About The Real Threat Of A
From: Thomson, Illinois
Dear Friend,
It's chaos, and you're at risk.
Here's the problem and why this "economic disease" will eat away at your U.S. bank account...
Mike Walters
Staff Writer
You see, banks only keep a tiny fraction of deposited money physically on hand in the vault... but they're allowed to lend out as much as TEN TIMES what they have!
It's a banking system the Fed invented in 1913 called "fractional interest"...
So -- That means that if the majority of people in a city all went to the bank to take their money out, that there wouldn't be enough actual money in the bank to give them!
Word quickly spreads, panic would ensue and people would rush to try and get money from the bank... This is a bank run.
And only 1 out of 10 people will get their money when it happens...
So ask yourself this:
If you can't answer these basic questions, then you're at extreme risk of being victimized and left to fend for yourself due to a bank run.
And please don't think the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) will bail you out...
Even though they're supposed to insure your deposit in the bank, (replacing lost deposits should something – like a bank run – happen to your bank) if the crisis is large enough they'll be belly up too!
In fact, because of the last rounds of bailouts, the FDIC has actually admitted to being basically insolvent – some protection right?
That's why I want to rush you my new report absolutely free.
It's called "What To Do In A Bank Run" and it's filled with all the information you'll need to keep you, your loved ones and your hard earned wealth intact during a crisis.
Before you see all the "must have" information that's packed into this report, I'd like to take a minute to introduce myself...
My name is Mike Walters, editor-at-large of one of the leading websites in the world for practical information on living and surviving in hard times (economic and otherwise).
In a minute you'll see why I want to give you this report for free...
But first, take a look at just some of the wealth saving information you'll get in "What To Do In A Bank Run":
Your free copy of "What To Do In A Bank Run" will also reveal:
You simply cannot afford to be caught unprepared in today's current troubled financial climate.
Fact is, the talking heads on both sides of the aisle have let us down... it's not a matter of IF the economy and banking system will fail... but when.
Without the info in the "What To Do In A Bank Run" report you're a sitting duck. So grab your free copy of this hard-hitting report now.
Simply type your name and best email address in the form below, and I'll email your copy to you right away.
Remember, this report is crammed full of information that you won't find anywhere else- and I'm sending it to you FREE...
So, why am I doing this?
It's simple... I'm bribing you into signing up for my weekly e-mail newsletter called "Off The Grid News"... which features secrets and tips you will NEVER hear from the mainstream media.
"Off The Grid News" has the advice and analysis you need to stay alive when times are tough, and you can only rely on yourself to stay safe...
Each issue is delivered straight to your inbox and is loaded with the latest news and updates to keep you prepared for the future.
You can unsubscribe at any time - and remember your subscription is absolutely free...
Just type your name and best email address in the form below and I'll rush you a copy of "What To Do In A Bank Run" as my free gift just for signing up.
Mike Walters
P.S. It's time you gave up the victim's role. You can start by typing your name and best email address in the form above. When you do, I'll rush your copy of "What To Do In A Bank Run" as my free gift for signing up...
Remember, you'll also be automatically subscribed to my weekly newsletter "Off The Grid News" - which features secrets and tips you will NEVER hear from the mainstream media...
And you can rest easy knowing that I'll never rent or sell your contact information. So sign up to receive your free report today.
P.S.S. You'll also get instant access to other hard-hitting reports that can change your life forever. Reports like...